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Individual NPI Numbers and Insurance Claim Forms Vs. Group

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 4:45 pm
by toby freeman
How do I get the personal NPI numbers of my providers ( I have 3 ) to show up in 24 j on the insurance 1500 form. It keeps posting MY personal NPI number not theirs. I input THEIR number under LIST, PROVIDERS, DEFAULT PIN under UPIN. Where else would I input it so that it would show up and change on 24j on the form with each provider listed.

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 8:50 pm
by Gavin Walker
Hi Toby, you'll need to check your claim report template and make sure the field is set to:

Transaction -> Attending Provider -> National Provider Identifier

You need to enter the NPI number on the same tab where you enter the UPIN, but in the National Identifier field.

Follow this link for more NPI and Medisoft information:
NPI and your Medisoft