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Payments from multiple years and need a report.

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2018 5:46 pm
by tonymurrieta

Ok situation is we don't always get payments on time or we handled them later. So we are getting money from 2016 and 2017 along with the 2018 current money and I have to explain that we don't always get the payments in time. So if they see 20 people it doesn't mean im going to get paid for those 20 people right away, they might be issues with 15 of them and then I get those 5 issues solved later and they get paid 2 months later... How can I get a report that shows which Date of services are being paid for that month and day. For example what they posted on 2/22/18 out of that money what was 2016 Date of service $ posted, what was 2017 $ posted, or what was 7 months older in Date of service but just now paid and posted?

I hope this helps lol I understand if you couldn't help, but Gavin you always have the answers.

Thank you for your services here! :)

Re: Payments from multiple years and need a report.

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2018 9:04 am
by Gavin Walker
I've got one that lets you select by payment date and then it shows the date of service on the same line. It is yours "as is" for $45. You'll probably want a custom report though.