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11.0 Hotfix Repairs for 11/03/2014

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 12:00 pm
by Gavin Walker
The subsequent hot fixes have been published and are now available for download through the Practice Partner Update Manager.
Subject: 11.0 Fix for 11/03/2014
Fix Package Title: 11 Patches 11/03/2014
Version: 11.0
  • 155977 CQM - Diabetes/LDL Measure #0163 (NQF 0064) - The Gestational Diabetes denominator exclusion is not functioning.
    156037 CQM - 117 (NQF 0038) Childhood Immunization Status - Label matching is not pairing for Hepatitis A and B HM items, triggering Girls to not get into numerator due to legacy HM template setup glitches.
    156380 CQM - Insert "Export to Excel" functionality for report detail.
    155973 CQM - Utilization of Suitable Drugs for Asthma (Pediatric Essential)(NQF 0036).
    155967 CQM Measure 130 (NQF 0034 Colo-rectal Cancer Test) - Numerator must look at HM in addition to the Problem List Procedures, like it did in 952.
    155423 CQM - Diabetes/LDL Measure #0163 (NQF 0064) - The Gestational Diabetes denominator exclusion is not functioning.
    150000 CQM Crossref - When moving amid tabs, the "Practice Partner Code" field stays filled with preceding tab's information.
    150003 CQM Crossref - Unable to look at complete description of pre-loaded codes.
    150216 CQM - Medical Component / LOINC code setup in the Crossref dialog does not yield match.
    151747 CQM Measure 0147 NQF 0041 (Influenza Immun) - The numerator is including erased Procedures of Flu Shot (wherever MRCI.Current_Key does not = Y).
    151748 CQM Measure 0147 NQF 0041 (Influenza Immun) - The numerator is not including HM procedures of Flu Shots.
    151797 CQM Measure 141 Colon Cancer - Denominator hits with only 1 Medical Staging Procedure component, should to have 3 (Metastasis status, Growth Size, and Lymph Node Condition).
    151805 CQM Measure 0123 (Diabetic Foot Examination) - The numerator only needs 1 type of foot examination to tally a hit, must be all 3 types.
    151858 CQM 0140 (Breast Cancer) - Patients are not moving into the preliminary population if they have an active cancer DX earlier than the measurement phase (must be in 5 years).
    151881 CQM 0140 (Breast Cancer) - RXs for Tamoxifen are totaled in the numerator even if they are not current on the day of Encounter.
    152009 CQM Measure 0167 (Diabetic Rentiopathy Absence/Existence) - Numerator is not considering Absent/Existing Medical Component outcomes, is hitting on merely Level of Severity.
    154285 CQM - Overall dilemma with Diagnosis Codes not being totaled if they are inserted to PPDIAG via HLI Lookup at the same time as the CQM component is open. Reopen of CQM is essential for them to total.
    154288 Unpredictable marks in CQM statement from NQF 0419.
    154607 CQM - Usage of Suitable Drugs for Asthma (Pediatric Essential)(NQF 0036).
Please Notice: We fervently endorse using each of the repairs each occasion the update manager is administered.